2019 NBME Staff Publications and Presentations

Posted September 16, 2019

How can innovative tools and item types be used to improve the authenticity of a medical licensure exam? How have electronic health records been used in the medical education of students during clerkships? NBME staff recently explored these and other questions through research papers and presentations.

NBME staff conduct, publish, and present research on a wide variety of assessment and medical education topics. So far this year, NBME staff have authored 9 publications and delivered 34 presentations at 10 different venues.

Some of the research topics of this year have focused on:

  • Score interpretation
  • Natural language processing
  • Test speededness
  • Rapid item generation
  • Innovative tools and item types

To see all of the research topics that have been published and presented by our researchers, you can view the NBME Staff Publications and Presentations from January - June of 2019 on the Office of Research page.

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