doctor sitting at desk holding a tablet


Discover how the latest advances in technology are being applied within medical education assessment to improve teaching and learning

reassess the future

Reassess the Future

Medical education is evolving and the need for new, innovative and inclusive assessment tools is more critical than ever before.

NBME is exploring how advances in areas like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning can be applied within assessment to support educators in preparing the next generation of physicians.  

Reassess the Future Initiatives

Learn more about the projects currently underway to move medical education assessment forward and how we're working to develop new and diverse methods of evaluating students that support a more holistic view of their learning journey.

webinar title on blue background with nbme flame logo

How can medical education assessment harness recent advances in AI?

thumbnail of video with title and picture of Victoria Yaneva

Ask the Expert: How can research on the responsible use of NLP and AI lead to advances in medical education assessment? 

research summary title on navy background with NBME flame logo

What part can Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning play in the advancement of medical education assessment?

headshot of Christopher Runyon

Why do we need to innovate our assessments to improve how we evaluate clinical reasoning skills?

Publications by NBME Researchers

The NBME research team has published several papers on the applications of new technology within the field of medical education assessment. Click the link below to view the latest publications on this topic.