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Watch full recordings from NBME's virtual educational conference on NLP


In November 2021, NBME hosted Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Assessment, an NBME Educational Virtual Conference. The event provided a forum for scholars in educational measurement and NLP to share research and perspectives on new ways to improve assessment using NLP capabilities. The conference attracted more than 420 individuals from over 20 countries representing 230 organizations. 

Watch the talks below to learn about automated scoring of written and spoken responses, automated item generation, assessing writing quality, predicting item characteristics, bias and validity, and potential dangers and challenges related to the use of NLP in assessment. 

​​​​​​​Keynote Talk: Digital Considerations for AI-enabled Assessments

Automated Scoring: Part 1

Automated Scoring: Part 2

Automated Item Generation: Part 1

Automated Item Generation: Part 2

Assessing Writing Quality

Emerging Topics

Panel Session & Closing Remarks

Want to learn more about NLP?

woman sitting in front of a bookshelf
Reassess the Future

Victoria Yaneva, Manager of NLP Science at NBME, discusses the use of NLP in medical education assessment and the wider field of medicine.