View the latest publications from members of the NBME research team
Integrating Timing Considerations to Improve Testing Practices
This chapter addresses a different aspect of the use of timing data: it provides a framework for understanding how an examinee's use of time interfaces with time limits to impact both test performance and the validity of inferences made based on test scores. It focuses primarily on examinations that are administered as part of the physician licensure process.
Integrating Timing Considerations to Improve Testing Practices
This chapter presents a historical overview of the testing literature that exemplifies the theoretical and operational evolution of test speededness.
Journal of Educational Measurement: Volume 57, Issue 2, Pages 216-229
This article presents two generalizability-theory–based analyses of the proportion of the item variance that contributes to error in the cut score. For one approach, variance components are estimated on the probability (or proportion-correct) scale of the Angoff judgments, and for the other, the judgments are transferred to the theta scale of an item response theory model before estimating the variance components.