Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Y.S. Park, A. Morales, L. Ross, M. Paniagua

Evaluation & the Health Professions: Volume: 43 issue: 3, page(s): 149-158


This study examines the innovative and practical application of DCM framework to health professions educational assessments using retrospective large-scale assessment data from the basic and clinical sciences: National Board of Medical Examiners Subject Examinations in pathology (n = 2,006) and medicine (n = 2,351).

Posted: | R.A. Feinberg, M. von Davier

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics: Vol 45, Issue 5, 2020


This article describes a method for identifying and reporting unexpectedly high or low subscores by comparing each examinee’s observed subscore with a discrete probability distribution of subscores conditional on the examinee’s overall ability.