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Showing 21 - 22 of 22 Research Library Publications
| B. Michalec, M. M. Cuddy, P. Hafferty, M. D. Hanson, S. L. Kanter, D. Littleton, M. A. T. Martimianakis, R. Michaels, F. W. Hafferty
Med Educ, 52: 359-361
Focusing specifically on examples set in the context of movement from Bachelor's level undergraduate programmes to enrolment in medical school, this publication argues that a great deal of what happens on college campuses today, curricular and otherwise, is (in)directly driven by the not‐so‐invisible hand of the medical education enterprise.
| Monica M. Cuddy, Aaron Young, Andrew Gelman, David B. Swanson, David A. Johnson, Gerard F. Dillon, Brian E. Clauser
The authors examined the extent to which USMLE scores relate to the odds of receiving a disciplinary action from a U.S. state medical board.