View the latest publications from members of the NBME research team
Academic Medicine: Volume 96 - Issue 9 - Pages 1324-1331
This study examines associations between USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) scores and ACGME emergency medicine (EM) milestone ratings.
Academic Medicine: Volume 96 - Issue 9 - Pages 1319-1323
This study examined the relationship between USMLE attempts and the likelihood of receiving disciplinary actions from state medical boards.
Academic Medicine: Volume 96 - Issue 6 - p 876-884(9)
This study examines whether there are group differences in milestone ratings submitted by program directors working with clinical competency committees based on gender for internal medicine residents and whether women and men rated similarly on subsequent in-training and certification examinations.
Medical Science Educator: Volume 31, p 607–613 (2021)
This study extended previous research on the NBME Clinical Science Mastery Series self-assessments to investigate the utility of recently released self-assessments for students completing Family Medicine clerkships and Emergency Medicine sub-internships and preparing for summative assessments.