View the latest publications from members of the NBME research team
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Research Library Publications
| S. H. Felgoise, R. A. Feinberg, H. B. Stephens, P. Barkhaus, K. Boylan, J. Caress, Z. Simmons
Muscle Nerve, 58: 646-654
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)‐Specific Quality of Life instrument and its revised version (ALSSQOL and ALSSQOL‐R) have strong psychometric properties, and have demonstrated research and clinical utility. This study aimed to develop a short form (ALSSQOL‐SF) suitable for limited clinic time and patient stamina.
| S. D. Stites, K. Harkins, J. D. Rubright, J. Karlawish
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders: October–December 2018 - Volume 32 - Issue 4 - p 276-283
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between self-reports of cognitive complaints and quality of life (QOL) in persons with varying degrees of cognitive impairment.
Category:Health Professions