Articulating our purpose: NBME’s updated mission, vision and values

Posted August 16, 2024

In late 2023, NBME embarked on a journey to update our mission, vision and values to better reflect our commitment to supporting health care professionals. After gathering valuable feedback from a variety of stakeholders, we have made the following updates to better articulate our purpose, values and the work we do today.

Mission: NBME advances assessment of health care professionals to achieve optimal care for all.

Vision: A highly effective, diverse and compassionate health care workforce.


  • Collaboration: We cultivate and thrive on rich interactions and relationships.
  • Inclusion: We value differences, foster belonging and advocate for equity.
  • Innovation: We evolve to meet emerging needs.
  • Integrity: We are committed to honesty and fairness.
  • Quality: We deliver excellence.

Our updated mission, vision and values are more than just statements — they reflect the breadth of NBME’s work and encourage innovation and growth. As NBME moves forward with our refreshed mission, vision and values, we remain committed to advancing assessment to help health care professionals learn and develop to provide optimal patient care for all.

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